by Josette deBrouwer | products, projects
We had a delightful stationery store in Blenheim that I loved visiting as a school girl. I marvelled at the bright colouring pencils, the sleek pens, and the rigid notebooks. The store catered to local offices and businesses with their calendars and accounts books,...
by Josette deBrouwer | projects, workshops
I watch the wind whip through the trees as the ‘feels like’ temperature dips to -23C. Dog walks are quick 15-minute bursts, and my social calendar reflects the post-Christmas lull. This is perfect making weather! This month I am making all the cozies – another...
by Josette deBrouwer | Uncategorized
What a difference a few days of seasonal temperatures makes. Earlier this month I still felt like summer would never end. I was knitting outside, strutting around in shorts and tees, and even floating in our pool. This week, back to reality … time to clean out the...
by Josette deBrouwer | projects, yarn
Is there a perfect all-season project, something that you can work on in the heat of the summer or through a mighty winter storm? Something that can accompany you on planes, trains, and automobiles? Something you can craft out of fingering, sport, DK, or even worsted...
by Josette deBrouwer | Uncategorized
When I basted the side seams of my Onyx pants, it was with a bit of excitement and, if I can be honest, pride. I had been wanting to make these pants since the pattern was released by Closet Core (a favourite) in early January. I ordered the fabric, a soft and...
by Melanie Huff | Uncategorized
There was a moment last weekend when, sitting at my knitting table, I realized I had only two projects on needles. Worse yet, I had nothing in the wings – no gauge swatches tacked to patterns, no yarn wound into nice little cakes. A quick trip to my sewing table...